About Us

Our Mission

It is the mission of Pets Are Loving Support, Inc. to provide ongoing care and support to the pets of Atlanta area persons living with critical illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer, the disabled, veterans of US armed forces and the elderly. With this help, pets and owners may remain together to share the healing power of love and companionship which flows from the animal-human bond.

Who We Are

Pets Are Loving Support, Inc. (PALS) is an Atlanta based 501(c)(3) organization. We seek to help create a better life for pets and people in need. Our work might seem simple: keep the pets who support our clients fed and healthy. But really it's about more than that - by providing for the needs of their pets, we are able to help our clients maintain their connection to hope, love, and companionship.

What We Do

Pets Are Loving Support, Inc. (PALS) provides pet food and low-cost annual immunizations, vaccinations, heartworm testing, and heartworm and flea/tick preventatives to the most vulnerable metro-Atlanta population of pet owners.

Check out our Services page for more details.

Friend with Dog
Dogs on Chair
Friend With Cat

"Not only have they enriched my pet’s life but mine as well."

Mr. Addison, a PALS client


In 1990, Pets Are Loving Support, Inc. (PALS), an Atlanta based 501(c)(3) organization, was founded by two Atlanta businesswomen, Dr. Susan Wynn, a veterinarian, and Dr. Margaret Schulte, an educator, who met while doing volunteer work for DeKalb Humane Society. Not only did they have a common interest in working with AIDS patients, but they were also animal lovers

One day, another volunteer mentioned that there was a person with AIDS who was living alone with his best friend, a cat. He was sharing his one meal per day with his cat and foregoing some of his medications in order to pay for vet care for his animal. Dr. Wynn and Dr. Schulte were very touched by the fact that this individual was risking his own health for the health of his only friend, his cat.

They immediately realized that the human-animal bond was extremely important to persons living with AIDS. So many lost the support and contact of family and friends, not to mention their financial independence, jobs, homes, and savings. This was an area in the life of persons living with AIDS that needed to be addressed. So, they began collecting pet food.

This was the humble beginning of PALS.

Since its founding, PALS has provided services to more than 1,000 clients and over 1,300 companion animals. We serve clients who are people age 65 and older, living with a disability, or have a critical illness such as HIV/AIDS. PALS helps our clients keep their pets in their homes by providing free pet food and low-cost annual immunizations, vaccinations, heartworm testing, and heartworm and flea/tick preventatives.


Board of Trustees

  • Keith Barnes, Co Chair
  • Hannah Jarrells, Co-Chair
  • Michael Edwards, Secretary
  • Bill Golden, Treasurer
  • Joel Feuer, Bingo Chair
  • Jeremy Tarlow, DVM
  • Jim Marks, At-large
  • Jenny Boyter, At-large
  • Amelia Fass, At-Large
  • Jonathan Freeman, At-large
  • Chris White, At-large

Executive Director

If you are interested in joining our leadership team, learn more and fill out an application.

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